Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Friday, January 11, 2019

6th - 11th January.

6th A Redwing bathing in the pond, one from the party of 8 that found the Cotoneaster berries for the first time this winter; also another first for the season were 2 Collarded Doves that fed on the scattered seed; where they fed alongside 7 Blackbirds [2 1st winter males, a female & 4 males].
7th Flock of c30 Starlings landed in neighbouring garden, which is unusual for here.
8th Raven heard calling in the distance, while I worked in the garden.
10th Snow Drops just starting to poke up through the lawn. Another female Blackbird has joined the garden "flock" indentified by it's short tail.
11th Lesser Black-backed Gull swoops down from roadside street lamp to pick up road kill on the A413 at Chalfont St Giles. c30 Sky Larks skimming low over the Plover field at Hyde End. 4 Little Egrets seen from the car at 3 locations along the Chess Valley.

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