Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

All is Quiet on New Year's Day....

First birds through the garden early this morning, just light enough to see were the long tailed tits, busy feeding on the fat balls. A little later and good to see a pair of bullfinches amongst others on the sunflower hearts.
We went for long walk and saw a large flock of mixed corvids busy feeding on... I guess leather jackets in permanent pasture at the top of Leather Lane. Rooks, crows and jackdaws plus a couple of magpies.
Up at the far end of Strawberry Hill found four lapwings again searching for grubs in a ploughed field, showing off their punky hairdoos.
Found a roe deer at one of their favoured spots on our way back and passed the corvids again still busy feeding two hours later.
Went through the stored apples later and found a few not keeping well so put them out on the lawn and the blackbirds soon found them.
All Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.


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