Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Thursday, January 31, 2019

30th January..... Finches Again.

Visited Liberty's field mid-morning once the over night snow had chance to melt & things to warm up now than the sun was out. This site regularly held mixed flocks of Finches several hundred strong a few years back, but nowadays when I visit all is quiet.
Gave Stewart a quick call, decided to revisit the HS2 site again, we weren't disappointed, the numbers were basically the same as before, weather being brighter this visit instead dull with a biting wind, it made for better photography, & after Lee had spotted 2 Corn Buntings on his visit we were pleased to double that score to 4, as the birds spent at least 10 minutes perched in a small Elm tree before dropping down into the grass. Also 60 Jackdaws & 2 Raven flew up the valley 'kronkin'
Having had a call about Waxwings in Berkhamsted,we tried for them in the afternoon without any joy.

Corn Buntings.



Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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