Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year's Eve..... Chess Valley & Tawny.

Had to make a trip to visit the "tip" today; which gave me an excuse to check a few sites in the valley. First off found 3 Roe Deer feeding up under a hedge, a Stonechat was ranging widely in the field up stream from Mill Farm along with 2 Little Egrets & a Heron as a Sparrow Hawk drifted over.
A Little Grebe on the lake at Latimer, being the only bird of interest on the water. 4 Cormorants sat in the trees, 2 more Herons & a Grey Wagtail also seen.
Another Little Egret at Blackwell Hall Lane.

Back at home in the afternoon; while tidying up after giving the Apple tree some serious attention, I heard a soft "kewick" looked round just in time to see the Tawny settle on to the upper most branch of a tall Hazel in the garden nine strides from me (I measured it), we both stood/sat motionless staring at each other for a minute 'til the Tawny took off & disappeared into the descending darkness. 4-22pm. 

New Year's Day: 12 Fieldfare over the garden.


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