Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Saturday, January 26, 2019

23rd January..... Day after the Snow Fall.

The snow on Tuesday afternoon brought a few more birds into the garden during Wednesday morning, mainly hen pheasants, 9 at one time and a cock bird. A nuthatch appeared also, first I’ve noticed in the garden this year. Good to see all the regular birds busy at the feeders.
A quiet walk in the afternoon and only really came across some very friendly sheep and a hare which I accidently flushed in the woods, it left at full speed and as low as possible with its long ears held flat along its back.
Counted 42 yellowhammers in one small tree in the hedgerow, but more around and meadow pipits also on the ground. When I went back later the yellowhammers were all gone and at around 4.30 50/60 meadow pipits flew off to roost. Will go back for another look tomorrow.
Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

Everyone moans when it snows, journeys which usually take fifteen minutes end up taking two hours, schools are closed, trains cancelled etc etc, but you have to admit there's something special about the white stuff cloaking the landscape, giving it a calm beauty, a stillness, cleanness, covering up all the rubbish & detritus littering the roadside verges.
On a clear day the light is even, reflecting back into shadow areas, perfect for getting out with the camera.


Images Copyright : Don Stone.

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