Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, January 20, 2019

20th January..... A Crackin' Day.

I stepped outside mid-morning to be greeted by the harsh cronkin' calls of a Raven coming out of a crisp clear blue sky; took me a moment to locate it; I watched for several minutes as it engaged in aerial combat with a pair Red Kites. As the Raven called, another presumably it's mate answered from somewhere nearby, the harassed one eventually heading off in the direction of the calls. Shot indoors mid combat to grab the camera; managed one image.

A Green Woodpecker visited the lawn throughout the morning, always feeding in slightly obscure spots, its spotted cousin feeding on the sunflower feeder, along with a Nuthatch, good numbers of Chaffinches & Goldfinches.

Woodpecker feeding holes in the lawn.

In the afternoon met up with Stewart for a visit to the Chess Valley where we came across 16 Tufted Ducks & a single drake Pochard on the Fishing Lakes, with a Cormorant flying over. 50 Mallard nearby. 25 Magpies flew to roost at dusk as we waited for the Little Egrets to do the same with the first bird turning in at 4-35pm, by 4-50 16 had flown into roost along with 4 Herons. Which rounded off a Crackin' Day.

Little Egrets in the gloom.

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