Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Saturday, January 5, 2019

2nd - 5th January.

2nd While tidying up in the shed found what I believe to be 2 Peacock butterflies hibernating in an empty bucket, checked a few hours later, one had disappeared. c15 Redwings over. Female Great Spotted Woodpecker on feeders.
3rd Redwings over again today. Mistle Thrush heard, but not seen.
4th Temperature didn't rise above freezing all day, which drew a Pied Wagtail in the garden to feed on the scattered seed for the first time this winter, where Sprawky sat in the Oak eyeing up the deserted feeders for the best part of 10 minutes. A brave Blue Tit cautiously edged it's way along the nearby branches towards the nut feeder, but though better of it & didn't get any closer. The Redwing flock was feeding on a nearby Cotoneaster Bush. Once again the Mistle Thrush passed over unseen.
5th On the way to watch Chesham United I checked out Herbert's Hole for wintering Stonechats & sure enough a stunning confiding male was in residence [it came to with in 20 feet of me]. At the match which ended 0-0 a flock c50 Canada Geese headed over west in darkness at 4-30pm, followed  5 minutes later by another flock of c100. Earlier at home 2 Goldcrests bathed in the pond & the first Stock Dove of the winter fed on the lawn on the scattered seed.

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