Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, January 28, 2019

24th January..... Yellowhammers.

Pheasant numbers up to 14 hens today all scratching around in the snow, even walking down the garden path. Nice to see but hope they return to the fields soon and leave the garden alone. A walk in afternoon heard a buzzard continually calling high in a tree not far from a tree buzzards have nested in for many years. Must be puzzled by all the HS2 works going on underneath it. Later 42 and possibly more yellowhammers and maybe 50 meadow pipits busy feeding in an field of oats that was not harvested and now flattened by the snow. Friday morning only 1 hen pheasant and a cock bird which was displaying to the hen, continually circling the hen and showing off all his colours.
Image copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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