Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

23rd June..... Western Turville Reservoir.

The dam at Western Turville Reservoir is looking colourful at the moment covered in wild flowers.
Attracting several Azure Damselflies.
Down at the far end a Common Tern patrolled back & forth fishing along the edge of the reed bed, as I watched it from my vantage point on the dam another flew in above my head from the Aylesbury direction, the two fishing together for a while, next time I scanned in that direction the incoming bird had disappeared.
Out on the water a lot of loud 'honkin' came from a family party of Egyptian Geese as they made their way towards the jetty, where what I presume to be the male aggressively announced the family's arrival.

                                                      The 'honkin' continued along with a spot of preening.
The pair of Mute Swans & their seven cygnets were quietly going about their business as their name suggests, as were two broods of Coots. A Reed Warbler continually flew to & fro from a patch of reeds. Four Swifts hawked insects low over the water, heard a Grey Wagtail.
Watching the 'floatiller' pass.
As I reached the roundabout at the western end of the Wendover Bypass, I noticed a handful of Pyramidal Orchids growing on the grass verge & what looked like a Common Spotted Orchid. Moving out into the Vale, scanning from various gate ways came across these two Hares close together.

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