Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, June 10, 2019

Garden News, 4th - 9th June.

A pair of Goldcrests were displaying in the Oak, calling, wings a quivering, male with his crest raised, as a Robin sat close by mesmerized by it all. The Blackbirds are now nest building for the fourth time in the Laurel hedge, two attempts being predated.
4th June. A pair of Pied Wagtails spent around thirty minutes calling from the roof tops in the evening.

First thing in the morning constant twittering from a pair of Goldfinches on the telephone wires, suggested the presence of a nest nearby. In the evening I found the foundations of one in the climbing Dog Rose at the front of the house. Two days later & as I hang out of the bedroom for a better view the nest looks complete. It takes a battering on the 8th as the strong winds blow the Rose around violently, as the one of the Goldfinches look on from the bouncing telephone wire. 9th Adult is sitting tight.
The first Red admiral of the year appeared basking in some late sunshine on the evening of the 6th, a couple of Speckled Wood around aswell. Still no House Martins in residence (though a couple did put in an appearance a few weeks back). Seven empty nests...where have they all gone.
Our front garden is just starting to look at it's best, as the wild flowers begin to come on line.
One of the new plants this spring Meadow Clary, has blended in nicely with the Birds-foot-trefoil & Frog Bit.
The other newie this Spring : Bladder Campion is just about to flower.  

As is one of our two Common spotted orchids.

It's all happening, just need those House Martins to return....

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