Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Friday, June 14, 2019

Bucks Peregrines, Breeding Update.

First the bad news.
Aylesbury- complete breeding failure, no eggs, no chicks and it looks like we've lost the female, either before any eggs, or at some stage after and whatever was there has been predated.
If anyone has seen two adults in Aylesbury at any point in the Spring please contact me. There is a male present.

Much better news.
The birds went straight to the platform this spring and laid 4 eggs, 3 of which hatched and have done extremely well.
The first one fledged on June 3rd, but something wasn't quite right and it had to be rescued, fortunately a member of staff there has a partner who is a VET, it was found to be dehydrated. It spent a couple of days with the VET where she (it was sexed) recovered well. This fortunately coincided with Rod Stewart performing so we didn't have any trouble with Peregrine chicks causing havoc in the crowd.
June 6th the other two chicks were still on the platform, but exercising vigorously, one nearly came off, but hung on, fledging imminent. At lunchtime the rescued bird was released at a high point in the stadium and after sitting still for a few minutes it then took off extremely strongly and went straight out of the stadium ! I expect it will return.
County Bird Recorder.

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