Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

6th June..... Orchid Quest Continues/Little Marlow.

Stewart's Orchid Quest Continues....
This morning we went to see the military orchids at a local site, in flower from mid May to mid June. Other orchids seen there included : fly, bee, greater butterfly, common spotted, common twayblade and pyramidal all growing in a small meadow. Walking on through the woodland a red kite came to close to a raven family, the adults flying up to the kite to drive it away, the ravens then calling constantly.

Found this large skipper. 
Green-veined white.
Dragonfly which remains a mystery, as I can't identify it.
We lunched on sandwiches by the Thames watching common terns over the river, followed by a walked around Little Marlow Gravel pits. A good variety of birds seen on and around the waters edge, common terns breeding on the tern rafts with chicks seen.
Reed Warblers singing in the reeds.
Walking back to the car we saw good numbers of banded demoiselle, (males and females).
Mayflies seen along the river bank. Stewart.
Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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