Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, June 3, 2019

2nd June..... Shardeloes Lake.

Went out at 6-30 this morning, found a couple of singing Blackcaps & a Whitethroat. On returning home this male Blackcap was in full song in the garden. After breakfast stopped at Little Missenden where Stewart & myself were pleased to find a pair of Lapwings still in residence since our last visit on 17th March.
Checked out the Grass Verge Nature Reserve near Shardeloes.
Here good numbers of Common Blue Damselflies were active, image of a female.
Just a bit to early for the Orchids, with the first Pyramidal spikes coming through.
Over the road at the lake the highlight was a pair of Great crested Grebes with two recently hatched young, one of which was constantly piggy backing on the parent.
Two pairs of Coots were on nests as another attended to three tiny chicks.

Back at home the Blackbirds & Robins first broods have fledged.
Images Copyright Don Stone/Stewart Dennis.

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