Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Thursday, June 27, 2019

24th June..... Second Coming.

The arrival of this current spell of warm weather has heralded the return of our House Martins, with a pair excitedly inspecting one nest & a single bird at another, hopefully they'll remain & start breeding, not departing again as they did earlier in the spring, after a brief stop over on 3rd May.
Looks as if another Blackbirds nest has failed, as a predated egg found in the garden.
Goldfinch still sitting tight on their nest.
A Chaffinch has just begun singing daily from the top of the Silver Birch in our neighbours garden.
A pair of Dunnocks are feeding recently fledged young in a neighbouring garden. While at our place our pair are nest building again, picking up beak fulls of our dogs fur from around the back door.

One of my favourite wild flowers: Toadflax is just starting to flower in the front garden, many years ago before I knew better, I always thought it was a species of Orchid, as it has such delicate looking petals.
This Bee has found it to Bee a good source of nectar, as it made a Bee line for it.


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