Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, September 24, 2018

16th - 22nd September.

16th 3 Buzzards thermalling & 1 low over house, Speckled Wood. Found a Sweet Chestnut tree in the village.
17th Ravens patrolling throughout the day, 1 even stopping to drink from cattle trough. 9 House Martins high above the house this evening.
18th first breeze of the Autumn brings the first Conkers to earth. c40 House Martins over west at 5-45pm.
20th strong winds & rain overnight dislodged a young Wood Pigeon squab from it's nest; sat there puffing out it's chest trying to look all big & strong; not sure the same trick will work on a Fox, Cat or Dog though.
21st at 7-30am Magpies, Blackbirds, Wren, Chaffinch & Great Tit all making a right old racket; I knew what the cause of the commotion was; but took me a while to locate the Tawny Owl sat atop the tall pear tree, looking down at me with large dark round eyes. 22 House Martins over Chesham.
22nd Chiffchaff singing briefly from the Horse Chestnut tree just outside the back door, as a large mixed Tit flock moved through, 9 Meadow Pipits over, in groups of 5 & 4. Juvenile Pallid Harrier been at Therfield Heath in Herts since the 19th, it's really worth a twitch, but the weather needs to improve & I need to find a bit of spare time from somewhere.

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