Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

2nd September..... Pitstone Hill.

Stewart & Myself set out from the car park at 9-45am, where a couple of Meadow Pipits had greeted us, along with a flock of 12 Goldfinches; heading out to the fence line on the east side. Here we found 34 Lesser Black backed Gulls in the field; along with a Wheatear. As Stewart attempted the photograph one of the numerous Small heath butterflies; I spotted a Peregrine flying through purposefully south at 9-55.
Copyright : Stewart Dennis.
Looking back over the road the field beyond had 6 silhouetted Partridge type figures, (more on these later)  Finding a few Yellow Hammers further on; we took the middle path to the ridge where two Kestrels patrolled; spotting 3 Cormorants heading south as we went along. Meeting up with the path at the far end of the fence line we sort of doubled back; finding a Common Blue Damselfly, meeting Sally in the area favoured by Whinchats during the last few days; not that we saw any. Luckily we stopped for a chat, for after a while 2 Corn Buntings flew up from the grass, perching together for a while on a low bush, before one flew to another nearby bush.

Copyright : Don Stone.
15 Swallows flew through south. We moved over to the west side of the hill where I've previously seen Redstarts, no sooner had we sat down; when a Hobby went by just above & in front of us; going down behind nearby trees; where it may well have caught something; as in short while some one came by who saw it carrying prey. 2 more distant Cormorants were again heading south.  From here we heard the familiar kronkin' call of Ravens as 3 wheeled in the sky over head. Making our way back towards the car park, we picked out a Blackcap in the bushes. Once there I briefly heard a Whitethroat; making our way down the road we found Sally already there checking for the silhouetted Partridges, which she managed to capture on camera & identify them as, well you guessed it those Red- Legged ones. Returning to the car park again we found the Whitethroat at the base of some bushes.
Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

 Common Blue.

                                                                                         Common Blue Damselfly
Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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