Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Thursday, September 20, 2018

9th - 15th September.

9th Goldcrest feeding in the Holly, Speckled Wood & a few White butterflies on the wing. c20 House Martins & 8 Swallows.
Copyright : Haywood Dennis.
10th Bullfinch calling, Great Spooted Woodpecker & Nuthatch early morning. 10 House Martins & 3 Buzzards soaring together at Ley Hill. c30 House Martins at Ballinger.                                                                                                                                                                                             Pre-match photo of England international at King Power Stadium.

11th pair of Ravens over Ley Hill, where the Foxes have been enjoying the Blackberries judging by their blackberry filled deposits. 12 House Martins over this evening. Hornets have taken over an Owl box.
13th 12 Mistle Thrushes in trees behind the garden, early morning. Migrant Blackcap & Chiffchaff moving through garden at Ley Hill as 4 single Meadow Pipits flew over. Stewart had a flock of c40 migrant House Martins feeding above his house, 'til they all headed off south. Marsh Tit in garden. Otmoor is saved from devastation, as the planners chose another route for the Oxford - Cambridge Expressway; but what will suffer on the preferred route?
14th Peregrine flew through south at Ley Hill, while we had our lunch, short while later 2 Swallows headed the same direction, along with various groups of House Martins, totalling 24 in number. A couple of Ravens. Seeds falling from Birch trees.
15th 3 Red Kites in a low fast tussle above the house, as they dived at such speed I could hear the air rush through their wings. Prestine looking Comma also in the garden. A few Meadow Pipits over.

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