Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Friday, September 21, 2018

18th..... Western Turville Reservoir.

We went to Weston Turville after lunch just in case the Osprey that was reported on the Bucks Bird Club website by Mike had indeed dropped down to the reservoir but no joy. Did watch a Hobby though chasing dragonflies briefly, only other birds on the water were two adult swans and a cygnet. All the gulls were following the plough and a tractor rotovating in a nearby field. Gulls seen were Black Headed and Lesser Black Backed including this juv. LBB.
Later at home this fab male Sparrowhawk landed on the bird table roof, looked inside and waited a minute or two and flew off. The table is about 5 mtrs from the windows and infront of the Fennel where the Chiffchaffs feed.

All images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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