Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, April 14, 2019

10th April..... Tring Reservoirs

Wednesday afternoon went to Tring reservoirs. At Wilstone large numbers of sand martins were high in the sky along with a few swallows and possibly a few house martins. In front of the hide a Canada goose was lining her nest with down, plucking it from herself.
Work progressing on the dry canal.
On past Tringford to Startop's End reservoir where we were told one little gull was present; found it with the black headed gulls although they were harassing it at times.
Noticed at a distance a pair of great crested grebe preforming their courting ritual, interesting to watch. Stopped at the Bluebell CafĂ© for a break by the grand union and then back to Wilstone passing Marsworth reservoir. Here two oystercatchers seen in a cereal field and again was told and saw three arctic terns with a few common terns. ( Arctic Terns probably has the longest migration of all birds …..) Then back home for a nice cup of tea and a hot cross bun.

Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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