Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Friday, April 26, 2019

23rd April..... Dancing Grebes.

Making the most of the last dry day according to the forecast went to Wilstone reservoir and took the
footpath from the west corner towards the Aylesbury arm of the Grand Union canal. Again more butterflies seen before reaching the canal including peacock, tortoiseshell and more orange tip. Turned right along the towpath towards the Grand Union and found the path blocked for a while by a heron.
Sedge warblers singing on the opposite side of the canal and mainly well hidden but one showed itself as it returned from a short display flight.
Freshly turned out suckler cows were busy grazing and by the bellowing of the cows left inside they were not happy.
Carried on along the canal until we reached the Bluebell café at Startop's End reservoir passing many narrow boats both moored and on the move.
Passed a lesser black-backed gull on Tringford reservoir.
Soon after watched a male blackcap with nesting material and a female appeared in the same area. The highlight of the day was on Wilstone where a pair of great crested grebe were performing their dancing courtship ritual. The pair started to call to each other then swam towards each other with a series of dance moves with head bobs and shakes.
More calls and then they both dived and surfaced with vegetation in their beaks and rushed towards each other across the surface of the water, paddling frantically. Amazing to watch and so close. Stewart.

Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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