Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

March 30th & 31st..... Lee Common.

Under a nice blue sky; with warming sunshine; the sort of day that's good for the soul; had a busy morning fencing off a section of the lawn to keep the dog out, after she discovered the location of the Blackbirds nest a few days previous; proudly standing on her hind legs Meerkat style, trying to peer into the hedge, knew she'd never give them any peace, so the fence had to go up. As I did this both Brimstone & Holly Blues were on the wing, also had to release a Small Tortoiseshell trying to escape from the shed through the glass... well that was never going to work. Tawny Owl calling softly from within the box at 10-45am.
Stewart locates a migrant Wheatear during the afternoon at Kingsash end of Strawberry Hill, while I'm watching Chesham United lose  0-1 to 2nd in the league Taunton Town, in fast paced entertaining game, we've come a long way since Christmas when we were bottom of the league to now sit in 11th spot.
Unusual sight of a pair of Starlings feeding together on the lawn early morning. Blue Tit continually returning to one of the dogs tennis balls & ripping off the covering to use as nesting material, talking of nesting material, could just see the leaf foundation of a Robins nest, spilling out of the alcove I had formed especially for them or Spotted Flycatchers in our side extension, hopefully they'll breed successfully in there. Not sure why they've deserted the other nest nearby.
I obtain my best ever views of Red Kites.
On the way back from an evening watch at Pitstone we come across a Tawny Owl sitting the middle of the road, it's no wonder they often become road casualties when they behave like this. 

Images Copyright : Don Stone.

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