Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

14th April..... Rooks.

I wandered down the track to Payne's Hill early on a cold & frosty morning, the Rooks were nosily busying themselves in the Rookery, which has residents in 18 nests at the moment.

Once I'd finished watching them I turned to find a beautiful Fox sat about 50 foot further along the track watching me, it didn't hang about & scarpered off through the gate.
A pair of Buzzards circled over the wood, as a Great Spotted Woodpecker drummed out it's territory from within.
By now the early frost was retreating to the shadows as the suns rays warmed up... ever so slightly.

After a pre-breakfast chat with Carol, I returned home to find the Dunnocks & Chaffinches quietly
going about their business a ever. The Blue Tits are engaged in coutship feeding, which I've seen them do evey day this past week. The male Blackcap seems to be holding a territory, as he sings from various song posts in bushes around the garden.


A few of Stewart's sighings from last week :

9th : Firecrest singing in holly in local wood.
12th : First local Swallow on wires at Ballinger.
13th : Lone Fieldfare on Ballinger playing fields.

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