Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Saturday, April 13, 2019

9th & 10th April..... Red Kite & Grey Heron.

Tuesday afternoon after the wet morning had a short walk from home and into the woods close by. Noticed the kite on it's new nest, their old one which they have used for maybe five years blew down earlier this year and they have rebuilt close to where the first nest was. It will soon be lost from view when the beech leaves emerge.

A little further on came across the tiny goldcrest busy feeding in the hollies, a case of little and large a few minutes apart.

Wednesday morning, a cold start, we went to Weston Turville reservoir. Good numbers of sand martins and a few swallows feeding low over the water. Walked on to the canal and the pair of little grebe were still easily seen at close quarters.
A family of newly hatched ducklings, more than ten, were busy feeding and swimming off on their own.

The threat of a heron which came too close caused a commotion as the mother duck saw the predator off.

Back to the reservoir and walking past the sailing club and the weather was warming, chiffchaffs and blackcaps were busy feeding and singing well.
The sand martins and swallows were now high in the sky following the insects as the day warmed up I guess.

Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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