Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, April 1, 2019

29th March.... Tring Reservoirs.

On a glorious afternoon, my wife and I headed off to Wilstone Reservoir. First noticed the tree nesting cormorants (sinensis) ??? were well on with their breeding season and sitting tight.
On to the hide and interesting to watch a group of maybe 30 shovelers feeding in front of the hide in one small area, swimming around in circles.
Teal, pochard, tufted duck, great crested grebe also present. Little Egret flew passed.
Walked on towards the dry canal and came across goldfinches busy feeding,  presumably on pollen from the catkins of the black poplar. Not see this before.
Along the dry canal; passed a pumping station which will be restored.
Over the dry canal; across the fields towards Tring; picked up the Grand Union Canal by the flour mills.
Passing a friendly heron on the way.

                                                                                                                                         Back to Wilstone via Tringford, where on our return we came across the Brent goose that's been here a few days mixing with the Canada and greylag. Also spotted our first chiffchaff of the year.
Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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