Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Friday, April 19, 2019

17th April..... Part Two, College Lake.

After lunch in the Badger Café at College Lake walked off to the Octagon Hide passing the ditch and reed bed on the right and hearing more willow warblers singing in the willows.
Nearer the hide a birder was watching a reed warbler low down in the reeds but we didn't manage to see it but did hear it's song showing  it had moved away.
Were told a whimbrel was showing well from the hide (another long distant traveller passing through) and was clearly seen.
A redshank showed really well as it walked toward the hide.
Moved on and came across this presumably natural hybrid between a cowslip and primrose growing amongst some cowslips.
Blackcaps also singing well and found this female on the west side.
Back to café for cup of tea but unfortunately closed (being after 4.00) so had an ice cream instead.
Quickly walked to the Octagon Hide again in case the reed warbler was showing but no, not disappointed though had good views of a female reed bunting this time in amongst (guess where....the reeds). A great day out. Stewart.

Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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