Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Friday, April 19, 2019

17th April..... Part One, Ivinghoe Hills.

With the weather now warming up, decided to try Ivinghoe Beacon to look for ring ouzels, wheatears and other spring migrants or maybe the short-eared owl that has been seen around the area recently. Parked in the car park at Pitstone Hill, walked to the beacon on to Gallows Hill  and back to the car. No short-eared owl or ring ouzels but did find three wheatears along with a singing male corn bunting on the fence line near the sheep pens at Gallows Hill.
  • Small numbers of meadow pipits possibly passing through heading north.
    Good  numbers of singing skylarks, (at times drowning out the song of other birds), were present with birds nesting on the ground and moving on as I walk by.
    Willow warblers, chiffchaffs and blackcaps all singing well.
    Good to see the Pasqueflower hanging on & well protected.
    BBOWT College Lake for lunch. Stewart.
  • Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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