Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, April 15, 2019

13th April..... Herbert's Hole.

Saturday afternoon; walked to Herbert's Hole hoping to see passing spring migrants but saw none. A good walk nevertheless, first two red kite went up to see off a large female sparrowhawk, raptors don't like each other.

Weather was quickly changing and passing some Zwartbles sheep and their lambs a bit of hail and snow fell.
On to Herbert's Hole the sun came out, plenty of buzzard and kite activity but no wheatears. Back through Pednor and towards Lee Common more livestock with young this time suckler beef cows and their calves. Passed five roe deer, 4 does & 1 buck close to Bellows Wood.

Home via Ballinger, where I came across a pair of song thrushes feeding along with a fieldfare, 8
blackbirds & a pair of linnets on the playing field.

                               Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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