Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

22nd April..... Nesting Material.

While out with Don on Sunday I picked up a handful of sheep wool to bring home for birds to use as nesting material and it didn't take long before a blue tit found it. 

On Sunday birds were constantly in the pond including this dunnock.

A short hot walk Monday; came across a pair of blackcaps busy feeding close by, but the walk  again was noted for butterflies including several holly blue.
Small white.

In the garden honey bees and a queen wasp were also busy around and hopefully pollinating the whitecurrant bush.

Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.
We seemed to have been constantly opening the windows to release Honey Bees that were trying to find they're way through the glass, during the course of the weekend.

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