Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, April 28, 2019

26th April..... Large Red Damselfly.

I noticed an insect land near the pond around 10 Thursday morning so stepped outside to have a look. A fresh Large Red Damselfly, I checked the field guide. Then I looked for the case of the larvae which it had emerged from and found another damselfly that had just emerged and was pumping its body to expand its body and wings. Watched it on and off all morning slowly getting bigger and slowly climbing higher up the vegetation. It stayed where it was all night and was still there at 7.30 but had gone by 1.00pm. Also in the garden watched a weasel Wednesday and Friday, while looking at the pond noticed a male smooth newt in full breeding condition, with its full crest and coloured up.

Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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