Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

7th April..... Blackcaps & Sparrows.

The day began well, as when I drew back the downstairs curtains, a male Blackcap sat on the Laurel hedge six feet out from the house, went to grab the camera; he was to quick for me, on three attempts over the next hour he was continually quicker than myself; disappearing into the bushes as he foraged amongst the leaves. A female joined him atop the hedge near to where they bred successfully two years back, so fingers crossed for this year. The female lingering long enough to snatch a few images.
The pair of Bullfinches continue to visit the feeders, along with a Coal Tit. The tail was again protruding from the Owl box, the occupant must have been fidgeting about inside as the tail occasionally stretched in the opening, hopefully that's a good sign. The female of our Blackbird pair is busy building a new nest about twenty feet away from the first nest, hopefully it's a sign that the first brood has fledged successfully, though as yet I've not glimpsed any young to confirm this.

Picking up Stewart we went to do a bit of so called Urban Birding in Chesham, finding House Sparrows at four sites in Broad Street & at two sites around the cemetery, with three pairs feeding on buds in one tree, about twenty birds in total.

Checking two Lapwing breeding sites we found a total of seven birds present. Moving onto Strawberry hill, could only manage a flock of c30 Linnets & 8 Yellowhammers, with Skylarks singing in the distance.
Found my first patch of Bluebells flowering here in a sheltered spot. Interesting to hear from the landowner here that he intends using less Chemicals on his land in the future, that can only be to the greater good of the environment.

These Fungi were growing from the side of a Dung Heap.

 Spotted this distant Hare on our travels.
On arriving back home was surprised to find a pair of Marsh Tits in the garden, feeding down at ground level, as they have been scarce this past winter. They rounded off the list of Blackheads nicely. Now all I wait for is the return of our House Martins, then the Blackhead list will be complete.
Images Copyright : Don Stone/Stewart Dennis.

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